Edventures in Kyahida Session 3
These are my public notes for the events of the third session. They are provided to record what happened for posterity, and for reference of the players.
The party discusses their findings and continues their crime scene investigation to town. Yunni secures a secret meeting with Willow. Kosumi and Striking Panther interview Margareta to lethal effect, Striking Panther dying in a rowdy melee over a mysterious box. Viola defends Margareta with the tribe's longmen, and tries to hide the box.
Session 3: Lethal Inquiries
Starting at the murder scene, the party consultd with each other about how best to narrow the list of suspects from amongst the villagers, particularly with respect to noting those who would wear moccassins.
Yunni went to canvass the neighborhood and met with Willow, who had a proposition for her: a clandestine snoop through Carp's house later in the evening to determine if he was involved in the murder of Chief Winter.
Sven took the weed that had grown from the soil of Ted's shoulder to Hispeth, and discovered that it had similar damage as that plaguing the townsfolk.
The whole of the town was asked to walk through the main hall, where Pacha and others looked at their feet to see who had shoes: it was mostly restricted to wealthier wives and the village council.
Kosumi and Striking Panther went to talk to Viola, who let them know that she had seen Chief Winter wander into the forest at dusk, but she hadn't seen him return. She told them to go ask Margareta, maybe she did. So, Kosumi went to Margereta's door and was rudely met at the door by her, where she belligerently answered his questions, apparently not having seen anything. Striking Panther snuck into her room during the conversation, and spotted an artifact lockbox under her bed. Unfortunately, Margareta spotted Striking Panther trying to take it!
Margareta proceeded to pummel Striking Panther, with Kosumi trying to intervene as she beat him to death and then began to stomp on his head. Rhenzic, Pacha, Broken Arrow, and Mercy ran to the sounds of his screams, and Kosumi quickly fell unconscious from Margareta's onslaught. Viola stepped out of her hut and summoned skeletons to fight and restrain the Erikander. Mercy and Pacha bursted into Margareta's house to stop the removal of evidence amidst the chaos, fighting off Viola's skeletons, but not before Viola grabbed the lockbox and misty-stepped to the forest line and handed it to one of her skeletons. The Erikander gave chase once Margareta gave herself up to the authorities, and Pacha saw the skeleton's eyes in the forest running away. Mercy raised her bow and with a miraculous shot killed the skeleton, the lockbox clattering to the ground.
With Margareta and Viola detained by the braves of the village, the Erikander reunited to await trial the next day.
Prominent NPCs This Session
- Carp, First Brave of the Bluecanes. Candidate for Chief.
- Viola, Bluecane Necromancer.
- Margareta, Bluecane Bonesinger.
- Hispeth, Bluecane Druid. Requested the Erikander for assistance.
- Stone, Bluecane Warrior. Mohawked lieutenant of Carp.
PCs in Attendance This Session
- Striking Panther (Brandon)
- Kosumi Spiritfang (Chris)
- Pacha Groundbreaker (John)
- Rhenzic (Steven)
- Yunni (Kat)
- Mercy Strongbow (Sarah)
- Broken Arrow (Bryan)